lunes, 3 de junio de 2013

Día 56: Temporada 4, Episodio 15 "The Silent Partners"

" I won't go anywhere! I'm glued! Look! I can't move my feet because they're stuck to the floor! Or the- oh no, look it's like molasses! Oh... I am so fucked."

Billy! You're overreacting!

Capítulo anterior:  "Assisted Suicide"

Episodio: Temporada 4, Episodio 15
Escrito por: Doc Hammer
Fecha Original: 24 de Octubre, 2010.
Debut de Personajes: No.

Trama: El nuevo éxito de Conjectural Technologies se ve amenazado al ser Billy secuestrado por los mismos misteriosos benefactores que invirtieron en su compañía. Ante la insistencia de Pete White SPHINX empieza una investigación para determinar quienes están detrás de dichas dudosas inversiones. 

Trivia Favorita: Dos cosas: el Sargento Hatred que aclara que no pasó nada con Billy (sólo se acurrucaron juntos) y cómo le dice "Starfucker" a Pete White. Merecido lo tiene el muy hijo de perra (Más trivia en The Mantis Eye Project.

Diálogo Favorito: Como siempre, otra vez un 80% del guión...

Works like this. Someone points a gun at you, you call the police. If a bunch of guys are pointing guns at you, you call SWAT! If they're in spandex and pointing a super-LASER at you, you call the OSI. And if they're dressed regular and they're pointing a super-LASER at your daughter, that's when you call SPHINX!




So explain to me why we give a squirt about your roommate being abducted by vampires.


We're talking about Billy, here! You guys owe him! You did the- the... you know.


Spit it out, White! This is SPHINX!




We have no secrets here! When men live and work together it's imperative that there are no secrets! [turns around] I miss my breasts! Inside of me there is a woman screaming to be heard!


I hit a dog with my car last week but told the owner I found him like that!


I once jerked off twelve times in one day just to see if I could.


I had an erotic dream about Henry Rollins last night. And I'm straight as an arrow.


Remember that smell I told you was the garbage? That was my ass. I had chicken Tandoori for lunch.


You see? Men don't have secrets! Now what are you talking about?

But those women... said they were vampires.

Those women were prostitutes. They would have said they were Charlie's Angels if you wanted them to.

Oh! Man I'm glad it's you. I thought that those guys were magically shooting bullets from their body!


[hands BROCK his knife] Right? I didn't even know you were behind them! I thought they were just throwing knives out of their backs!


Magic guys, that sucks. I thought we finally had those bastards.


Well we still have Monstroso. He's not magic, but he is a giant.


[laughs] We have a cool job, Shoreleave.


It is totally cool! Okay I'm gonna head that way. [he runs off] First one to find a talking harp, wins.


Alright, then you finish up that transplant. You live with all that blood on your hands. It never comes off, Billy. The bad blood stains your hands. If you can live with knowing that you gave that killer a second chance at life, then you finish up.


[sighs] Fine. Man, you are really good at those cowboy speeches. But I can't just walk away. We doctors take a Hippocratic oath and it says that we shall never willingly harm a patient.


Billy, you're not a real doctor.


Well I may not have a degree or spent a fortune on med school, but I am a doctor. I'm a real doctor, and I'm one of the best.


[laughs] You're pretty good at those cowboy speeches too. Okay, finish him up.

LLEGAMOS AL PENÚLTIMO CAPÍTULO DE LA CUARTA TEMPORADA Y NECESITO CÓMO VEINTE TAZAS DE CAFÉ... ejem, Billy cree que va a volverse un vampiro., pero más que nada es Monstruoso queriendo un nuevo corazón, y que Billy obtenga sus títulos y licenciaturas. Después de una seguidilla de excelentes capítulos nos llega uno que está bastante bueno, si bien no tan a la altura de los otros. 

Brock, Billy, Shoreleave, Hunter y Pete White siempre son garantía en un capítulo, pero aun así, siempre me hacen falta los Venture brothers, el Doc, o la cliqa del Monarch. En sí, lo que más disfruté de este capítulo fue que Hatred comentara que no paso anda con él y Billy (no necesitamos más razones para odiar a Hatred), y que Billy se haya descartuchado. Bien, Avanti! Nos espera  un fin de temporada de 45 minutos!



Siguiente Capítulo: "Operation: P.R.O.M."

1 comentario:

  1. Y sigale sumando!!! q gran episodio el dialogo de las confeciones me hizo cagar de risa a mas no dar y cuando billy eyacula por el brazo solo faltaba qgrite LLEGO EL LECHERO!!!! jajajaj q increible capitulo. Es un alivio saber q billy no le partieron el ojete y q hatred no se gane puntos para odiarlo. Shoreleave ah subido taanto como personaje jamas me lo hubiera imaginado, amo a sphinx! es demasiada buena la agencia Hunter a pesar de todo lo q hizo q esta justificado nomas me cae re bien. Hay taaantos momentos memorables q quiero volverlo a ver con comentarios de los creadores. El juego de raquett Dios santo q Mounstroso es una beeestia el pobre Billy operaba de puntitas y ese si tiene la voz gutural mas jodida q he escuchado. graaaan episodio una pena q se este terminando pero la historia mejora cada vez mas!. Go Team Venture!
